Friday, June 26, 2009

My photos of flowers in Tennessee and Minnesota

I just realized I like flowers. I know for sure though I love roses like all women love roses. There’s nothing extraordinary about that, is it? I just didn’t know that flowers could give me pleasure like the pleasure I get when looking at a painting in a museum. They are just so wonderfully made. And even more so than a painting.
These are few photos of flowers I took while I was in Tennessee and Minnesota. Ok, not professional ones, but each one associated with the fun times I had on both states.
Photo taken at Sibley Park, Mankato,Minnesota

We met a nice man in Lexington and I think this is called whiteberry. He picked it up for me from his wild fields. Mr. Johnny is his name.

Field of Lilac beside my work building in Mankato. On my first day at work in Mankato, this field was still not there. But on my fourth day, it seems it suddenly beautifully bloomed from nowhere. The wind almost blew me over trying to take this photo and the guy from the red pick-up was looking at me in a weird way. Hey it's worth the risk.

I thought they were lavenders. I wanted them for a friend.It turned out it was Lilac, but it still is very beautiful.

A pot of Petunia blooming in Elvis's Graceland Estate when we visited Memphis, Tennesee

These are bleeding hearts flowers, very interesting name for a flower if I may say
A fountain in Sibley Park, Mankato, Minnesota


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